We have fallen into the trench of decrepid-ness. That too, and I also noticed that my last post REALLY sucked. Blah.
So, I will give you some excuses:
1. Screw you, AP and Honors Classes, and your 40 pg textbook reading assignments EVERYNIGHT, and test every other day. Seriously -- our ENTIRE grade is based on tests. It really sucks.
2. Pointe classes (info for non-dancers)
3. Job to pay for dance classes
4. Hip-Hop Dance Co. at East High 5. My computer got completely re-formatted after Internet Explorer broke (why I couldn't blog forever)
And now, what's new?
1. I got into Hip-Hop Dance Company and East High. Yeah, there's a gangster inside of my extremely pasty body. We're going to change the name to East High Dance Crew (hah)
because we don't want to associate with the East High Dance Company who think that their own little dance of seduction at halftime on Friday was hip-hop. Simple: They dance Beyonce pop-hop, we dance street dance. TOTALLY different scenarios, and I'm glad of it. 2. I figured out how to do the moonwalk in some of my extremely broken in pointe shoes. Extremely broken in is the key here.
3. My right pointer finger has been completely numb for 6 days, and I have no idea why. I can move it and everything, but I just can't feel it. It's extremely weird because I CAN feel the bone, and it feels like I have something stuck to it (aka skin and sinew) and my animal instincts keep telling me that I have to get it off somehow. It's like having a piece of felt super glued to your skin.
4. I have a love/hate relationship with weather in September here in Utah (known for the unpredicticality [that's now a word]) because yesterday it was 85 at two o'clock, and today was 37 at two o'clock. Without warning. Right at the time that I start to walk home from school. No joke, that was the temperature. I even had my SKI coat on and was freezing. And then it started to hail.
5. I miss my friends Amber and Flan who are both on 11 month foreign exchanges. Amber is in Turkey and Flan is in Indonesia. Check their blogs out on my sidebar -- way awesome photos!
6. I designed another website: A for real one! No, like a for real, for REAL one. It manages hundreds of items for sale, has a shopping cart, and is even linked to Paypal! I think I'm going to cry, I'm so proud. It took forEVER. That's one of the main reasons that I haven't been posting on my blog. Check it out -- it's at http://www.naturallyinspiredgifts.com/ You may recognise some of the pictures if you are my friend on Facebook. The website is for my Mom's cousin's buisness. She sells stuff for kids in hospitals, to put it simple. Tell me what you think about it, please! I need feedback. How fast does it go on your computer? 7. I love anime. Ah. Favorites:
#1 Fruitsbasket (aka Furuba [fur-OO-bah])
(the name is after a game that kids play in elementary school (don't you know it? even I played it), but it sorta got distorted in english translation. It has some of the best morals in it, is hilarious, and extremely lovable.)
#2 Kodocha [KAH-doe-cha]
(this one is SO CUTE, but with not as good animation as Fruitsbasket. Ironically, the little boy, the girl, and the guy with the shades are all voiced by actors who are the main characters in Fruitsbasket as well -- they do the english dubbing SO WELL: some of the best voice actors in the world.)
(Such a cute style, with a Spirited Away feel.)
#4 Anything Studio Ghibli [JIB-ly] (not including the new and Disney forced Ponyo) Studio Ghibli has some of the GREATEST movies I have ever seen -- they are so freaking creative! I love: Princess Mononoke [mohn-en-OH-kay], Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Castle in the Sky.
PS: Anime is NOTHING like stereotypes say. Exibit A: Teen Titans (kids TV show). I was watching this while babysitting and SERIOUSLY--FAKE. Don't trust stereotypes. Just like you don't trust racist or sexist people.
I leave on this note because I want to say that even though I'm in Dance Company, and I dress normal and everything, I don't like to follow normal people. I like to follow my own personality, and I'm not afraid to say what I like or don't like. I don't follow the status quo of my school of "Urban" (dislike that term for Urban Outfitters) and Juicy Couture, and Wet Seal, or just VALLEY GIRL. I'm me. *sticks out tongue* Deal. I just ain't your average ballerina.